Set in the heart of Sevenoaks, surrounded by nature The Children’s Workshop seeks to offer a rich outdoor learning environment whereby all children can develop their innate abilities in assessing risks and undertake manageable challenges. This sort of environment aims to foster children’s resilience, sense of self and appreciation of the surrounding environment. Developing passion for and sustainability of our outdoors is at the forefront of our practices and children learn to appreciate, respect and nurture what Mother Nature offers us.
Our Forest School inspired activities aim to offer new challenges in a supported environment through the opportunities to use real tools to carry out certain ‘tasks’ i.e:
Secateurs to keep brambles at bay
Saws to shape our branches into toys or tools
Potato peelers for whittling
Fire Strikers to start our fires to roast marshmallows on
Our Outdoor Learning plans offer ample opportunities to develop understanding of outdoor and learning how to best support its growth:
Observe different seeds (in fruit and vegetables)
Mud sculptures
Nature art
Bark rubbing
Leaf hunting….
We take walks to Knole Park to enrich our learning opportunities and discover more wonders of nature.
Come and see us to understand why!